Friday, April 07, 2006

No tagging ...

Yay! A new contest from an obviously well-rounded friend. Here's the gyst:

The object is to stump the readership. To play, post a quote from a movie which you think others will not guess. It must be in some way peculiar to that movie (i.e., entries like "Hello." are not acceptable). To post your quote, you must first correctly guess the movie of the previous post. For example, if I post "Exits are here here here here here here here anywhere", you must first guess "Aladdin" before you can post your own quote. If you guess wrong you are eliminated. If no one guesses your post correctly for 24 hrs, you win. The reward is one dollar. The movie genera is live-action children's movies. Researching the quotes, whether on the internet or in any other way, is cheating.

We'll start with strawberry ice; and then some cake and tea.


Erin said...

You forgot to insert "and that will be nice" after "strawberry ice'. Funny, I've had a song from that in my head for the past few of the week?

Sephora said...

In order not to make the quotation completely obvious, I chose not to include, "Now then, wouldn't it be nice--We'll start with strawberry ice...etc"
So, does this mean you're "in" on the game, or what?

Whiskey said...

She didn't actually guess it, and she hasn't posted her own. What do you think?

Erin said...

I haven't had a second to post, sorry, and I also didn't want to ruin it for anyone: other people can still guess and post their own, right? I was unclear on The Rules, but then again, I usually am.


Erin said...

Alright, alright, MARY POPPINS.


