Sunday, January 09, 2005


As we're in the car, on the way to the airport, I am sad to leave home.

Dad: I remember at the beginning of September, you were so happy with the program, with the faculty, with your fellow classmates. Is that still the case?

Me: Yes.

Then the realization:
At this time last year, I was hoping and praying I'd get into this program. I hadn't even had my interview yet. I wondered, "But if I don't make it in, what will I do? There's nothing else I want to pursue."
How easy it is to forget all those hours of anguish and worry and fear--and all the vows binding me to eternal gratitude "if I do make it."

So tomorrow is the first day of the second semester, and I have just been reminded:


Kitty said...

This post brought back a long forgotten memory and gave me some comfort too. I remember my first year of college 34 years ago. I went home at Thanksgiving and cried because I didn't want to go back. Then at Christmas, I cried because it wasn't time to go back yet and I really wanted to be there with my friends.
The comfort part is that by remembering how I felt, it helps me understand my older kids and their desire to be back at school instead of being here with us. We had a wonderful time together on our vacation and at Mass together in Hawaii, I listened to them singing and realized that while they'll always be my babies, they are young adults and I can't keep them on my apron strings. Letting them go, to grow up and make their own way in the world, is one of the hardest things I've had to do as a mother.
Of course the part that I missed the most when I was in college and probably most college kids miss is the endless amounts of free food, free clothes washing (sometimes done for you) and the little handouts of money to go get a midnight snack or go to a movie while you are at home. Then it's back to school and ramen or cold cereal.
Hope you have a good semester! God Bless, Kitty

Oh and would you mind if I linked your blog on my blog?
And when you get a chance, visit this site
that my son Patrick made for friends of ours in CA. They have a link to the St. Maria Goretti Confraternity.

Sephora said...

Welcome back from Hawaii!! And feel free to link away; I'm flattered. I still can't figure out how to add links, no matter how it's explained to me.
You're right, I'll always be my parents' little girl, and there's no place like home. But it's funny how homesickness never hit very hard was I was at TAC as an undergraduate. Maybe I'm getting older and wiser--or maybe graduate school is enough to instill fear, and longings for safety!

Kitty said...

I think that's probably the case. The older you get the more responsibility you have to take on and home seems like a safer place. But we all have to grow up and at least, even at my ripe old age, I know I still have family that would welcome me back.
If you email me, I'll try to email you the exact html I use to link people. The comments section doesn't allow you to write html.
I guess TAC is having a little flooding problem at the moment. Go to Equivocal Catharsis' site for pictures. More later, Kitty