Sunday, February 20, 2005

Seasonal changes

When I woke up this morning, I took great pleasure in pounding the snooze button of my alarm clock (something I gave up doing for Lent, but it's Sunday!). When I got out of bed a few hours later, noticed brightness trying to squeeze its way between the slats of my closed blinds. It almost bowled me over when I twisted the blinds open.
"Wow," I thought. "It looks like such a gorgeous day out. It's probably freezing, though, when you step outside."
But since I had left my phone in the car, and it needed to be charged, I decided to brave the weather, whatever it might be. I pulled on my sweatpants and a sweatshirt, slipped my feet into my untied sneakers, and jogged out to the parking lot.
To my astonishment, it truly was a beautiful day! After plugging my phone into its charger, I modified my outfit into running layers and decided to explore the neighborhood. I choose the phrase "explore the neighborhood" because, since I've lived in this apartment, I haven't been out running. Actually, the last time I did go for a run was ...oh, dear; nevermind. How embarrassing. Grad school is my obvious excuse, but the real reason is I'm a wimp when it comes to cold weather.
To my surprise and enjoyment, I discovered that not half a mile away from my house is a Sound-side boardwalk. That's right; I ran a few miles along Long Island Sound, greeting other people out for a leisurely stroll, out for a run, or out with their dogs--all in high spirits, grateful to greet a glorious Sunday morning. The Sound reflected the blue sky; the bright sun made the water glitter; the seagulls seemed as excited as the rest of us, calling, "Look! Look!" from overhead. I didn't feel as out of shape as I had anticipated. It must have been the spring-fever that seemed to infect everyone I ran past. The sun warmed us all through the brisk February air; I was down to my sleeveless T-shirt by the time I turned around to head back.
"Good morning," I nodded at an older woman, walking along in her Sunday clothes.
"Ooooh, look at you," she replied. "You really broke a sweat!"
I arrived back at the apartment refreshed, determined not to let the "winter storm warning" for tonight drag me down.

In fact, I think I might "take a day" tomorrow and go skiing in Vermont with Frank and Sharon. If there's going to be a winter storm, that's definitely where I'd like to be for it! And if by some stroke of Providence, school is cancelled tomorrow, I'll be even happier. (if not, though, I think it'll be worth the hassle, this time, of catching up!)

Who knew that Connecticut could imitate Colorado? Winter one day, spring the next, and blizzard conditions immediately following!

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