Thursday, October 06, 2005

Why I get out of bed

Every morning I wake up and think:

"This day, two years from now, I will have my doctorate in physical therapy."

Sometimes I add,
"...and I will be living in Colorado."

That last thought is generally reserved for the really tough mornings!


nutmeg said...

It takes a huge amount of discipline to get oneself out of bed, especially if one is not shocked to one's feet by a screaming baby or a loudly meowing cat....

I admire all of those who actually arise on their own accord...

Yet another example in which I can see God's hand in choosing my vocation!

Andrew Simone said...

Wow, when I get out of bed I normally think something like, "Alright Andrew, you got to do this. It is just another day,"

or, "Let's go, you have to eat somehow,"

or, "Crap, I'm late."