Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Content with Imperfection?

The weekend was great, as Katie and Elizabeth surprised us by coming up to visit with Vic. We all cooked out at Frank and Sharon's house Saturday night--probably the last cook-out of the season for all of us! It was good times, great company. And I think Sharon especially enjoyed meeting all the people behind all the names she knew so well!

In other news, my new discovery is that I will be much more functional if I can just accept that I cannot put my "all" into everything I do this semester. For example, I am not expecting an "A" on my first exam Wednesday. As usual, I will aim for it, but because of my inability to appropriate sufficient study time, I will not expect it.

Meanwhile, my re-vamped schedule allows me a certain amount of prayer, sleep, exercise and recreation aside from academics and work. The idea is that in this schedule of moderation, I will find peace. Hopefully my prefectionist nature won't disturb the schedule (or the peace!).

My new personal motto, credit St. Augustine:
"Tranquillitas ordinis."

1 comment:

nutmeg said...

Amen, sis! I too, am trying so hard to "cover the bases" that I need to. Prayer, attention to the kids, attention to Andrew, housework and personal time. Very hard for me to keep it all balanced. All in moderation..... that's the hardest part.