Wednesday, September 28, 2005


A few of my classmates informed me today of my erroneous opinion that we are taking 17 credits this semester.

Oh, no. Not 17. For if the number was 17, it might be reasonable--although still challenging, still difficult when trying to maintain a "life."

No, we are taking 21 credits this semester. 21!! Yes, I double-checked, even after each credit was counted out loud to me this afternoon. I needed to see for myself.

It's actually kind of a relief. I was starting to get concerned by the fact that I was already stressing out during the third week of class. I was wondering if I was becoming a wimp, if I was having an honest-to-goodnes nervous breakdown, or if I was perhaps just getting too old for school.

Oh, no. Well, perhaps. But it might actually be because I'm taking 21 course credits this semester, with no one class being any "cushier" than the rest.

Combine that with a Type A perfectionist neurosis, and it's still worse than some.

Heck, some of my classmates were complaining that because of our exam today, they were forced to miss watching "House" last night.
My response: "You watch TV?"

...maybe I'm still a spaz.


Erin said...

heh, heh, "you watch TV"...we don't even HAVE a TV, which, of course, makes us freaks of nature. "You mean, he gets home from work and you...sit at a TABLE and eat? And talk to...each OTHER?!?!" I know, the horror, right?

Erin said...

(I did actuall have something like that said to me, by a friend of my now ex-boss: "What do you do all day, sit around and TALK?!" Um, why, yes, that is exactly what we do...)


Sephora said...

Yes, I remember not having a TV and "talking"--to my 4 lovely roommates =)--back in the day in Colorado. Now it's not having a TV, plus not talking, ESPECIALLY not doing it while sitting. Because there's something else I should be doing right now....always.

Andrew Simone said...

The conversation last night.

Some girl, "Did you see TV show X?"

Me, "No, I don't have TV."

Girl, "Oh, what happened to it?"

Me, "No, I mean I have not possesed a TV? And I wouldn't have time if I did."

Girl examines me confused, "Oh."