Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Oh, the irony

I have been trying to get my hands on student loan money for over a month now. Finally, I am told that next Tuesday, my refund will be ready (so I can pay all my bills!!).
Yesterday, I received an email from my lender. They informed me that, to date, I have accrued $5.25 in interest on my loan. If I would like to pay that now, I could save myself money later.

Can you identify my frustration? I don't even have the money yet, and I'm already paying interest on it!

Meanwhile, the bills are piling up, and I can't even look at them until next Tuesday.... Yeah, I wanna start paying interest!


Erin said...

Ooooh, poor Snans. ha, I talked to Not the other night and she was like "i just figured out who Sephora is!"
(She doesn't know about S.C either.)

Sephora said...

gosh--I thought I was a fairly easy one. It must be the crazy campaign schedule. Thanks for your sympathy, but Megan and I talked today and realized that TAC didn't have us in the Commons signing those loan checks until a few months into the year--I should've foreseen this hold-up and planned differently. And it's a lesson in trust. And in honoring your father and your mother!