Friday, September 17, 2004


I finally tried the local coffee shop last night. A cute little place, but the tables are tiny, so it's not ideal for studying. When I study, I lay out my books across a 5-acre area. These tables were just big enough to fit a mocha mug on, if you place it carefully in the center.

Excuse me, not "mocha;" the correct word for what I drank there was a "mocha-chino." I thought I would order my usual favorite--soy almond mocha--but the girl at the register clarified, "Do you mean mocha-chino?"
"Uh,... yeah, sure," I say. After carefully watching her to see if I can figure it out for myself (I can't), I ask, "Excuse me; what is the difference between a cafe mocha and a mocha-chino?"
She explains, "A mocha-chino has espresso. A cafe mocha is just coffee with the chocolate."


So there you have it.... Case in point. Some people might find it annoying, but I think it's fun. Now I know how to order my drink there:
"I would like a soy almond mocha-chino, please; light on the flavoring."
It's a unique order from the one I'll place at another coffee shop:
"I would like a soy amaretto mocha, please; no whip, extra flavor."

And it's the same drink, with a touch of personality!

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