Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Last Time for Everything

Well, the next time I decide to have a first day of school, I think I'll remember to provide myself with a little more food.
I've started eating breakfast again. I used to double-fist it for breakfast:
1.) cup of coffee
2.) smoothie in a glass
But without a coffee maker or blender, that method of breakfast has quickly gone out of style. So a bowl of cereal is what I had this morning. No caffeine, which I should train myself off of, anyway. But why didn't I bring more than a bag of carrots with me to my first day of class? And why didn't I double-check to see that I wouldn't be leaving class until 5:30pm?

I think there's something very wise about going to graduate school close to home. Thank God I have a close friend here who provides the "home away from home" comforts. I mean, to give up your snuggly morning routine, cold turkey, because you don't have the necessary kitchen appliances--that requires some emotional support, not to mention some occasional visits for a cup of espresso! And the real reason I ate only carrots today for lunch? No, I'm not on some weird cleansing diet. I realized late last night that besides uncooked pasta, half a tomato, and some cheese, I had nothing to eat besides breakfast cereal and ...carrots. The carrots won as lunch food!

I'm used to being in an apartment where food doesn't run out, but I'm not the one in charge of shopping. Now I'm completely on my own, still unsure of where I should be buying food (without getting mugged), and too tired from adjusting to graduate school to worry about what I'm going to eat for the next two or three meals!

I think I've decided that this will be my last "first day of school." They're definitely not one of my favorite things!

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