Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Waiting for the other shoe

I hear people around here say that they bought this or that item at the "shoe market" or the "shoe store." Oddly enough, these items they're referring to are anything but shoes! They're holding up notebooks, floppy disks, decals, and sweatshirts.
When I ask where I should go to buy the requisite medical dictionary, I am told to go to the "shoe store." It's gotta be a code. A secret code.
"So, how do you get to the 'shoe store' again?" I ask nonchalantly.
Shoot. Too obvious. The person laughs as though I'm kidding (which is the signal that means, "caught your bluff but I can't give anything away").
So I wander around, looking for something that makes sense to call "shoe store" in code. Finally, I just make my way to the University bookstore, and they have it there, so I buy it. I hope the "shoe store" doesn't carry a better one....
Funny how acronyms can throw us ditzes into wild conspiracy theories!


Erin said...

Hey! Maybe it's a store owned by Oriental people, you know...Mr and Mrs Shu own a dry goods store...
:) Shu's store, which, if you say it fast, sonds like "shoe" (singular) "store"

Sephora said...

Wait, don't tell me... you're kidding, right?