Monday, May 02, 2005

Not Coming Home Tonight

My roommate, Jess, and I have to tell one another when we won't be home at night. And when we will, eventually. And when we'll be home early in the morning. This is because we have a little gold chain that connects the front door to the adjacent wall. It's for security, but it's also so that when I come home at dawn on a Saturday morning, I can scare the beegies out of Jess by ringing the doorbell.
On Thursday, I said to Jess, "I won't be home tonight."
"Oh, ok. Staying with Frank and Sharon?"
"Yes. Actually, just Sharon. Frank's out of town until the end of the semester. Which is when I leave. Wow. Jess, I won't be spending the night in this house ever again!"
That's when we started waxing nastalgic about how little time has passed since I moved in, but what a full semester it's been. That's also when I decided that Saturday would be a good day to start packing up my room, and pulling my bed into its individual component parts. Jess walked into my bedroom Saturday afternoon and looked around. The bed frame was in different pieces around the room, the shelves in the closet were almost bare, and my mattress and boxspring stood propped against the wall.
"It feels like you just moved in," she started in again.
"I'm slowly bringing all my stuff over to Frank and Sharon's house, and the rest of this I'll just put in storage."

And so every day, I take a few more items out of my bedroom and deposit them in Frank and Sharon's guest room.

As it turns out, Sharon will be going to New Jersey tomorrow to visit her family for a few days. "Feel free to stay here, though," Sharon told me.

"I think that would be easiest, since it's finals week, and all my stuff is here now," I replied with gratitude. "I'd have to pack an overnight bag to stay up at my place! But I'm going to miss you."

I mentioned it to Jess this afternoon as I was leaving with some more of my books and a laundry basket full of shoes.
"Aww, you can stay here if you want," she said.
"I don't have anywhere to sleep!" I reminded her.
"The couch! Want me to pull out the couch?" she asked.

What will I mean each day this week when I say I'm going "home"?

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